Start: October 19, 2019
10:00 am
End: October 19, 2019
2:00 pm

Event Venue

Northborough Free Library

GPS: 42.3189831, -71.6401666

All are invited to attend a Meditation Retreat for Collective Wellness with Academic Dr. Dhanjoo Ghista on Saturday, October 19 from 10 am-2 pm.

Dr. Ghista, who lives in Northborough, has been a University Professor throughout his life and has been offering a 7-part series on guided meditation at the Library for the past 3 years. He has been involved in institutional developments, in planning and modeling universities. In his work in academic settings, Professor Ghista has mentored several doctoral students and post-doctoral fellows, many of whom became professors, department heads and deans at universities. He has also done extensive research and published papers on the science of meditation and its effect on the mind and body.

During this retreat, we will explore the fundamental concepts of meditation in order to practice cosmic thinking and evolve spiritually, mentally and physically.

This 4-hour Retreat will bring together those from our community who are interested in how meditation benefits individually and collectively, and can contribute to a more spiritual, wellness and progressive community living.  With this in mind, the Retreat will comprise a 30-minute session on guided group meditation, after which all those attending will have the opportunity to discuss issues of interest to them, as well as some of the following topics:

  • How meditation inculcates humanitarian values, and promotes universalism
  • The benefits of meditation in your home, by family members meditating together
  • The benefits of meditation in schools, by having courses on meditation that students can take
  • The need for towns to have meditation and wellness centers, to cultivate a healthy living environment
  • Why work places should have weekly group meditation to develop a cohesive and harmonious environment
  • Spirituality beyond Religions (also known as neo-humanism)
  • How meditation connecting with the Divine Entity can develop human evolution
  • How Meditation can transform the mind and promote Higher Thinking
  • How we can practice meditation while working to end poverty and human suffering
  • Any other issues the participants would like to discuss.

The Retreat will begin with a 30-minute guided meditation, and it will end with a 15-minute non-guided group meditation. In-between meditating, we will have small group discussions devoted to the above topics.

Please register online in advance or by calling Adult Services at 508-393-5025 x5.

A good will offering of $5 will be gratefully accepted. All proceeds will benefit the Northborough Food Pantry to help those in need in our community.

Please note the Meditation Retreat is intended for those aged 14 and up. No prior knowledge or practice of meditation is necessary and all are welcome to attend.


Fees & Tickets
suggested donation to benefit the Northborough Food Pantry