Library hosts job seekers event: “Make Age Invisible”

Library hosts job seekers event: “Make Age Invisible”

Looking for work? Join the Northborough Library Job Seekers Group for a presentation from Randall Warniers, a communications and design consultant. He has extensive experience with the writing, editing, design, photography, production, and management of print publications. The presentation, “Make Age Invisible” is scheduled for Monday, November 16, 2-3 pm.

Like it or not, a job-seeker’s age is a factor in any job search or career change. In some professions, such as sports, theater, television, or the movies, age is always a necessary consideration. In all other professions, age will influence hiring decisions in subtle and often undisclosed ways. This interactive talk and discussion will describe what a job seeker can do to minimize or eliminate the influence of age. We will discuss the many ways a job seeker can improve his or her personal presentation to appear less ‘old.’ We will also discuss how unconscious habitual ‘old’ behaviors can have a huge negative effect on any decision to hire.

This event is free, but online registration is required  or call Adult Services at (508) 393-5025 ext. 5.