Dear Superintendent Martineau

Dear Superintendent Martineau

Since the abrupt end of the 2019-2020 school year, I have been thinking a lot about the school administration and faculty and the challenges you have had to face. I cannot imagine how your jobs have been turned upside down by COVID, yet you’ve adapted quickly and with great care.

I wanted to take this time to reach out and tell you how grateful I am for all the district is doing. I am grateful that we were given an option to participate in the hybrid or stand alone model so that we could offer our children the best opportunities based on their needs. I am grateful to the administrative committee that spent their summer developing policies and procedures to make our schools safe so that the students could return in the fall.

I would also like to say that I have been so impressed with the teachers in our school district. I cannot imagine waking up one day and having to learn how to do my job in a completely different way. The teachers adapted swiftly to a seemingly impossible situation and found ways to continue our children’s education. Speaking from my own experience, I have been thrilled with the teachers who have been working with my children during this time. They have always been there if/when they were struggling with something or had questions. They have adapted their learning styles and discovered new tools that assist with remote learning, and they have created a sense of normalcy in a not so normal time.

We’ve all had to make hard decisions this year regarding our lives and our kids, and have had to make sacrifices for the health and well being of our community. I want to thank you and our district’s faculty and staff for making the same hard decisions and sacrifices not just for your own families but for all of ours as well.

Warm regards,
Noel Silvia