What happened at the Selectmen’s meeting?

What happened at the Selectmen’s meeting?

The Northborough Board of Selectmen met on Jan. 25.

Health Agent gave an update on COVID-19.

  • Northborough is back to yellow (moderate) risk level as numbers are starting to come down after the holiday break.
  • Her advice is don’t let your guard down yet. Keep wearing masks and social distancing.
  • Vaccines are coming and steps are being taken for Northborough to be able to hold clinics for residents.

Morgan Doyle was sworn in as a new firefighter/paramedic. He has paramedic experience, but will need to attend the fire academy with an expected graduation date of July 23.

After many months of residents bringing traffic concerns to the attention of the Board and town staff, a public hearing was held to discuss those concerns.

  • A pedestrian activated flashing beacon crosswalk sign may happen at Route 20/Maple Street. The state denied the request originally, but hopefully will be approved since state elected officials representing the town wrote a letter supporting the need.
  • The Board agreed that the town should move forward with plans to implement a question and answer page on the website relating to traffic concerns. It will not be interactive, but a way to manage and streamline communication on this topic more efficiently. It can be used for future reference, and a way for the town to be more transparent as to how resident concerns are being addressed. That will take a few weeks to go live.
  • Immediate safety concerns should go through the normal channels of communication – police, fire, town administrator, or Department of Public Works.
  • It doesn’t look like the much requested Traffic Safety Committee will happen just yet, despite residents ready to volunteer. Most board members and staff felt that the website enhancement would be effective. Adding another committee would require more time of town staff, time that is already so limited due to the pandemic.
  • Through the Master Plan Implementation Committee process, town wide traffic and safety should be considered. That committee could ultimately recommend a Traffic Safety Committee if they feel that is a priority to focus on.
  • Many residents are still not happy with truck traffic in the Bartlett area and want to know they are being heard. Town Administrator said all of the truck facilities will have the same signage in the facility driveways to direct traffic away from Bartlett. The signs have been ordered and once received, the companies will install them.
  • Residents want to be on the same page and work on resolutions with the town.  Resident John Wixted said “If people are asking the same questions over and over again, it is because the problem is not getting solved.”

The full meeting can be viewed on YouTube on the Northborough Remote Meetings channel.