College Financial Aid with Jack Wang

College Financial Aid with Jack Wang

The Northborough Free Library will be hosting guest speaker and financial expert Jack Wang on  Monday, April 12, 5:30-6:30 pm to discuss college financial aid.

This is not the same as the “Financial Aid Night” at the high school. This is the workshop where you will learn the things that are not covered in that session. Jack will review the basics of financial aid – what counts, what doesn’t count, when it counts – and show you what you can do to get more college financial aid. Jack will further discuss the terms, rules, and strategies to secure a better aid package. He’ll also share how you can assess how generous a college is with aid, and how an effective search with the right questions can help you get more aid later.

Jack is a financial wealth strategist with 15 years of experience.

This event is free, but online registration is required. The Zoom link will be distributed twice prior to the event.