April school news and menus

April school news and menus

It’s no joke, April is here! Please refer to the individual school calendars and principal emails for the most up-to-date information on events and important dates.

The District webinar with details and a Q&A about middle school and high school students returning to full time in-person learning can be viewed online.

Pooled COVID testing continues to show few student and teacher cases and no in-school transmission. As kids head back to school full time, the District hopes for 80 percent participation among students. It is not too late to sign up for the pool testing. Follow the District Dashboard for all the data.


  • April 1:  Half-day, K-5 for parent/teacher conferences
  • April 2:  No school, Good Friday
  • April 7: Northborough School Committee meeting, 6:30 pm
  • April 12:  K-8 half day
  • April 19-23: April vacation week. ENJOY!
  • April 26:  Melican Middle School and ARHS students begin 5 day, in-person learning model
  • April 28: Regional School Committee, 7 pm
  • Heads up for May 10 and May 24:  half days for PreK-12

APRIL LUNCHES. Even if your child is back to school 5 days a week, you can still sign up for free lunches online.

Northborough Elementary K-5 menu (in person)

Melican Middle School menu

Algonquin Regional High School menu