ZBA candidate interviews begin

ZBA candidate interviews begin
Board of Selectmen Interview Subcommittee members Jason Perreault and Scott Rogers held the first session of two to interview candidates for the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA). Also present was current ZBA member Paul Tagliaferri, who was available to answer questions.
During the March 29 session, the candidates were John Wixted, Jonathan Rea, Ashley Davies and Suzanne Cieslica. The second round of interviews with longtime incumbents Fran Bakstran and Mark Rutan, whose terms expire, will be held on Wednesday, March 31 at 7 pm. The decision will be made after all interviews are completed. View the agenda for Wednesday’s meeting, and view the meeting on Northborough Remote Meetings YouTube channel. 
Due to the stepping down of alternate Leslie Harrison, there will be an alternate position open.
A recent resident petition was filed with over 150 resident signatures to request the town to consider new applicants for the ZBA roles.