Boros Cares 4 Troops Veterans Food Pantry

Boros Cares 4 Troops Veterans Food Pantry

Boros Cares 4 Troops (BC4T) hosts a food pantry every second and fourth Saturday for all Veterans, families and surviving spouses. It is open from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. and is located at the Vincent F. Picard American Legion Post 234 at 402 West Main Street, Northborough. Access is around the back side of the main parking lot.

Please don’t be shy-this is a thank you for your service to our country. An array of shelf stable food items, paper products and personal hygiene products will be offered.

You do not need to be a Northborough resident.

Valid proof of Veterans status will be required and can include a drivers license noting Veteran, VA health card, DD214, DOD issued military/dependent ID, or CAC card.

BC4T is a 501(c)(3) organization. Online donations to support their programs are welcomed.

Additional information can be directed to