The Algonquin Preschool has openings

The Algonquin Preschool has openings

There are still preschool spots available at The Algonquin Preschool (formerly Tiny Tomahawks). The preschool will be meeting in person for the 2021-2022 school year.

The Algonquin Preschool, a learning lab preschool, is located within Algonquin Regional High School located at 79 Bartlett Street. The program has been in operation since 1978 and is currently run by Susan Muise, a Family and Consumer Science Teacher with a Master’s in Early Childhood Education. The name of the preschool changed from The Tiny Tomahawk Preschool in 2021 as a result of the school mascot, the Tomahawk, being retired.

As a learning lab preschool, the high school students enrolled in Mrs. Muise’s Early Childhood Program assist in the preschool and work under her supervision in providing classroom instruction to the preschoolers. The high school students interact with the preschoolers and present many of the theme-based lessons with supervision of Mrs. Muise. It is a unique, well rounded program for both the preschool students and the high school students. Throughout the years high school and preschool students alike have been learning from one another.

The preschool program has two 2-day sessions, a morning session and an afternoon session and follows the Regional School Calendar (no summer program) with a few exceptions such as the first/last days of school which vary from the calendar. Children must be at least 3 years old to attend and toilet trained.

Register online. Returning students always have a spot for the following school year and we do have open enrollment throughout the year, so long as we have available spots.

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