Girls summer volleyball camp

Girls summer volleyball camp

The Algonquin Athletic Boosters Club will be holding a Summer Volleyball Clinic for girls in grades 6-9 from Monday, August 16-Thursday, August 19, 9 a.m.-12 p.m. The camp will be held at Algonquin Regional High School, located at 79 Bartlett Street.

The clinic is designed to introduce girls of all skill levels to the competitive game of volleyball. Through this clinic girls will learn skills, positions, strategy, and teamwork all while having fun and meeting the Algonquin Volleyball Team and other girls interested in the sport. No special equipment is needed, but a court type shoe is recommended and knee pads are completely optional. Be sure to bring plenty of water.

The cost is $125 per participant, with a $50 discount for each sibling. Registration is limited and filled on a first come, first serve basis. The payment covers all clinic fees and a t-shirt for each participant. Proceeds benefit the ARHS Volleyball Boosters Club.

Register by Monday, August 2 to receive a t-shirt.

Online registration is available, but a check may be mailed, made payable to ARHS Boosters, Attn: Carla Dobosh, 8 Southwood Drive, Southborough MA 01772.

Questions can be emailed to