AVM open rehearsal date, location change

AVM open rehearsal date, location change

Potential members of Assabet Valley Mastersingers (AVM) will be welcomed at open rehearsal on Monday, September 13, at 7:30-9:45 p.m. at Robert E. Melican Middle School, 145 Lincoln Street, Northborough. This is a date and location change from the original notice due to COVID-19 concerns.  Masks are now required at all rehearsals and performances.

Any interested vocalists are welcomed at the open rehearsal. AVM offers a choral experience in a community of welcoming, inclusive, respectful, collegial and talented vocalists who value high artistic standards.

Preparation will begin for the first concert, Songs of Unity, with orchestra and soloists on Saturday, October 30, featuring Unity in Diversity by Cynthia Lee Wong, commissioned by AVM in honor of its 40th anniversary; LUX: The Dawn From On High by Dan Forrest, exploring ancient liturgical chant, scripture, and modern secular love poetry;Oliver Caplan’s We Exist, the lyrics of which respond to the 2017 violence in Charlottesville, Virginia and honor all races, faiths and all genders.

Come early so that you can meet the Membership chair, Deb Wallace and section leaders, and get music prior to rehearsal.

AVM believes individuals perform best when working together in a supportive, encouraging, and non-competitive environment.

Questions can be directed to membership@avmsingers.org

The AVM chorus, directed by founder Dr. Robert P. Eaton, has gained a reputation for musical excellence and unusual programming.