Meet Lucy Stone: first woman from MA to earn a college degree

Meet Lucy Stone: first woman from MA to earn a college degree

The Northborough Historical Society is pleased to announce that they are resuming in-person historical programs this month. The first program, I Now Pronounce you Lucy Stone will be held on Friday, September 24 at 7:30 p.m. at Trinity Church located at 23 Main Street (Parking access on Hudson Street behind the church). This venue will help to accommodate guests in an environment that conforms to COVID guidelines for safety. Facemasks will be required indoors, and there will be no refreshments served.

The program will be performed by Judith Kalaora, a professional actor and Director of History at Play. In 1847 Lucy Stone was the first woman from Massachusetts to earn a college degree. As a prominent U.S. orator, abolitionist, suffragist, and a vocal advocate and organizer promoting rights for women, she inspired thousands to join the suffrage movement.

The event is free, but the Historical Society is self-funded and your donations are appreciated. If you’re interested in becoming a member, the cost is $20 and you can review all the benefits online.

The list of upcoming programs can be viewed online.