School officials recommend free COVID-19 student testing program

School officials recommend free COVID-19 student testing program

The Public Schools of Northborough and Southborough administration is encouraging parents to give consent for their kids to participate in the free COVID-19 testing at school.

The spread of COVID-19 can be lessened by quickly identifying cases. The ultimate goal is to keep kids in class and avoid quarantine with the “test and stay” program.

Students can only participate with permission from a parent or guardian.


This program has three components:

  • Symptomatic testing for students who show symptoms of COVID-19 at school
  • Routine COVID-19 safety checks to prevent the spread of the virus undetected among students who are not showing symptoms
  • Test and stay for students, who may have been exposed while in school but are not showing symptoms.

Each of these is a quick, non-invasive nasal swab or saliva sample that is collected under the supervision of a school nurse or trained health provider. Unlike COVID-19 tests of the past, these are not uncomfortable and are easy for students to do themselves.

The school district continues to keep parents fully informed regarding COVID-19 protocols, guidelines and recommendations and about the three parts of the testing program.