Learn about boys lacrosse

Learn about boys lacrosse

The Northborough-Southborough Youth Lacrosse will host a Learn about Lacrosse clinic for all returning second graders and any new first and second graders interested in playing this upcoming spring season. The clinic will be held on Sunday, November 7 from 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. at Trottier Middle School in Southborough (field inside the track). (This is a rescheduled date from Oct. 31.)

This is an introduction to the game . The clinic will be sticks only (no pads). Extra lacrosse sticks will be available.

Any new players in Grades 3-8 are welcome to attend.

A Q&A session will be held for parents to provide information about the upcoming season. Registration for the Spring 2022 season will open on Monday, November 1.