Programs raise awareness about domestic violence

Programs raise awareness about domestic violence

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The MetroWest Commission on the Status of Women continues their online events. Online registration is required but is free. Events are from 7-8:30 p.m.

  • Thursday, October 21: But is it Love? Teens Discuss the Crisis of Interpersonal Violence and What THEY Need — A Teen-Only Listening Circle, hosted by the MWCSW’s Athena Council
  • Thursday, October 28: The New Frontier—Advocating for Healthy Relationship Education in the Classroom: How Do We Get There? –A Round-Table Discussion Open to Teachers, Administrators and School Committee Members to Discuss What Schools are Already Doing to Teach Healthy Relationships, the Resources Available to Educators and School Leadership and to Brainstorm ‘In a Perfect World’ Curriculum Models for Teaching Healthy Relationships in Our Schools