Recreation Department seeks community support for summer camp scholarships

Recreation Department seeks community support for summer camp scholarships

It may only be fall, but the Northborough Recreation Department is already preparing for summer camp programs. Part of that preparation is to raise scholarship funds to assist families in need to enroll their child in a summer program who otherwise would not be able to attend.

“We would like to see every child be able to enjoy their summer and be able to come join one of our summer programs regardless of their income situation,” said Recreation Department Director Allie Lane.

One week of summer camp for a child is $265. In a typical summer, the Recreation Department helps 10-20 kids through its scholarship program.

Lane is reaching out to the community for donations. Online donations can be made through the Department’s website.

“If you are able to help and able to donate money to our scholarship program we’d be so appreciative as well as the family you’d be helping,” said Lane. “There is no donation that is too small.”

There is no longer a Friends of Northborough Recreation group, which in the past had organized fundraisers such as the 60s, 70s, and 80s dances.

Lane is appreciative that this year’s Northborough Turkey Trot proceeds will benefit the Recreation Department’s scholarship program.

What many don’t realize is that the Recreation Department has been self sufficient for over nine years.

“All the money that we charge for programs goes directly back into the recreation revolving account,” said Lane. “We do not take any money from taxpayers to run this entire department. This includes the salaries for the Recreation Director and the Admin.”