Craftworks Will Adopt a Charity Each Month

Craftworks Will Adopt a Charity Each Month

Craftworks has always made giving back to the community a priority—whether it was supporting the Northborough Food Pantry or Northboro Helping Hands, participating in Giving Trees, or making blankets for kids in hospitals. But over the last couple of years—with the restrictions of the COVID pandemic—the opportunities have been fewer and farther between. So this year, Craftworks has decided to do things a little differently. Each month they will select a worthy charity to “adopt” — and donate 10% of monthly sales to that organization.

For January, they have chosen to support Kits for Kids—an organization close to the heart of one of the Craftworks instructors. Kits for Kids supplies children in need with kits containing everyday essentials, clothes, toys and a stuffed animal.

If you are a Craftworks customer and have a charity that you’d like to recommend, drop them an email at