Women in STEM speakers needed for conference for middle schoolers

Women in STEM speakers needed for conference for middle schoolers

The Northborough Junior Woman’s Club will be hosting its 14th Annual Women in STEM Conference for Middle School Girls on Saturday, March 26. They are currently looking for speakers who are dynamic women in STEM careers. The half day conference starts at 9 a.m. with a keynote address followed by workshops and concludes at 1:30 p.m. This will be in a virtual format and your commitment is needed by Tuesday, February 1.

Each workshop will be attended by four different groups of middle school aged girls. Speakers should discuss why they chose their career path, what they enjoy, and what a typical day is like. Tips on courses to study, ways to prepare for your career and entry level positions that can lead into your career should be discussed.

Hands-on interaction is an important part of this conference. Workshops should allow the participants to explore the “tools” of your trade, participate in an experiment, create something, or solve a problem.

Given the virtual format, it may be more difficult to lead hands-on activities, but speakers are encouraged to think about activities that could be done using common household items that the attendees can obtain before the event.

The organizing committee will provide attendees with a list of materials and facilitate a supply pick up prior to the event if supplies include items that are not common household items.

For additional information or to be a part of the conference, email kedunsmore@yahoo.com or martha.michalewich@verizon.net.