Community Conversation: ‘Smart Water Meters, Wi-fi, 5G hazards & better tech solutions’

Community Conversation: ‘Smart Water Meters, Wi-fi, 5G hazards & better tech solutions’

Massachusetts for Safe Technology Director Cece Doucette invites you to a critical community conversation on Smart Water Meters, Wi-fi, 5G Hazards & Better Technology Solutions. The event is being held on Wednesday, March 9 at 6:30 p.m. at the Northborough Library, 34 Main Street.

The U.S. National Toxicology Program has found cell phone radiation causes cancer and DNA damage. Additional  peer-reviewed, published studies link wireless radiation to the growing rates of insomnia, headaches, nose bleeds, nausea, pain, cognitive impairment, fatigue, behavior issues, learning disabilities, autism, anxiety, depression, neurotoxicity, digital addiction, infertility and more.

This type of radiation is constantly pulsed from wi-fi devices, routers, utility “smart” meters, cell towers and now the new close-range 4G/5G small cell antennas-unless strategies to access technology safely are developed.

Cece Doucette has helped introduce legislation in New Hampshire and Massachusetts to educate and protect the public. Additionally, her school district in Ashland, MA is the first in the nation to begin safeguarding students and staff.

Please join the discussion. In preparation:

Cece will walk through the issue, answer questions, and demonstrate radiation emissions from wireless technology. She will share steps others are taking to ensure safe, fast, sustainable technology in their communities. You’ll also walk away with simple strategies you and your loved ones can use today with your own devices to still access today’s technology, but more safely.

If you are unable to attend but would like to join another conversation, or host one of your own, please contact Cece at MA4SAFETECH@GMAIL.COM.