The first night of town meeting was held last night with only a small representation of town voters in attendance. Due to the late time after the vote on Article 33, it was decided to continue the meeting Tuesday, April 26 at the Algonquin auditorium at 6 p.m. Residents who could not attend the first night of the meeting are encouraged to attend the second night of the meeting.
The meeting will continue beginning with Zoning Bylaws (Article 34). Another zoning bylaw up for vote is a temporary warehouse/trucking moratorium. These votes require a 2/3 vote.
Also yet to vote on are two citizen petitions. One is to vote to move the annual town meeting to the Saturday morning before the fourth Monday in April. Another is to vote on a property tax exemption for Gold Star parents, which other towns have adopted.
There is a total of 43 Articles and it is estimated that the meeting tonight will be done around 8 p.m.
View the recording of the first night of Town Meeting.
- The town and school budgets were passed.
- The town has voter approval to replace police cruisers, an ambulance, and Department of Public Works vehicles (dump trucks, backhoe, loader).
- The Downtown Master Plan study expenditure of $150,000 was approved, which will include a “design study of the downtown area to help focus ideas and develop a clear vision for the area.”
- Voters agreed for the town to exercise its option to re-purchase 4 West Main Street for $10,000.
All articles presented by the Community Preservation Committee were passed. This includes
- the beautification of the Brigham Street burial ground
- shutter restoration for the Historical Society.
- the initial assessment and site survey for a dog park –the first phase of a three-phase project to determine a location.
- the design phase to upgrade a trail at the Senior Center per ADA standards for the first completely accessible trail in town.
- the analysis and preliminary design for pedestrian access over the Assabet River Aqueduct Bridge.
The Zoning Bylaw surrounding signs in the downtown area did not pass with a 2/3 vote. This article was a means to take a step forward in cleaning up the signs in the downtown business area; a bylaw that surrounding towns have adopted as part of their downtown revitalization plans.
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