Algonquin Preschool accepting applications, announces new schedule

Algonquin Preschool accepting applications, announces new schedule

The Algonquin Regional High School Preschool program is run under the supervision of Director Susan Musie, a Family and Consumer Science Teacher with a Masters Degree in Early Childhood Education. The program allows high school students who are considering working with children or exploring post-secondary option to have hands on experience as part of the preschool classroom. Older students assist in the preschool classroom with theme-based lessons and instruction. It is a unique, well rounded program for both the preschoolers and high schoolers. It is an affordable, high quality program.

The preschool is currently taking applications. Children must be at least three years old and toilet trained. Students are accepted into the program on a first-come, first served basis; but open enrollment is available as space allows.

Register online. Tuition is $400.

Due to the high school’s new bell schedule for the fall, the preschool program schedule will be impacted. The preschool sessions run simultaneously with the Early Childhood classes offered to students at Algonquin.

The preschool program will take place consistently from 10 a.m.-12 p.m., but the days the program will operate will change from week to week based on the high school’s “waterfall” schedule.

View the schedule.

Take a virtual tour of the preschool facility.

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