Community Preservation Committee to accept applications

Community Preservation Committee to accept applications

The Community Preservation Committee (CPA) is responsible for the expenditures authorized by the adoption of the Community Preservation Act. The Committee evaluates community preservation needs, develops a long range community preservation plan, and makes recommendations for the CPA Fund expenditures at Town Meeting. The CPA is a funding tool to assist communities with the protection and acquisition of open space, preservation of historic resources, and the creation of affordable housing.

Please read through the full process criteria and information. Project applications are being accepted on a rolling basis from Thursday, Sept. 1- Tuesday, Nov. 1.

Prior to submitting an application, all applicants must meet with the Town Administrator and respective department (DPW, Recreation, School Superintendent etc.) to review your conceptual proposal and discuss if any engineering studies are necessary; who will prepare pre-bid documents if the project is successfully funded; who will prepare the Request for Proposal; and who will oversee the management of the project. Please include this information in your application.

Also prior to submitting an application, all applicants shall have met with the respective town board or commission (Historic District Commission, Open Space Committee, Housing Partnership, Recreation Commission, School Committee etc.) to review the application and to determine the level of support from the appropriate board. The appropriate Board shall send documentation to the CPC of their approval or disapproval of the application.