Parents call to action: Substance Use Prevention Coalition survey

Parents call to action: Substance Use Prevention Coalition survey

Encompass, a local Substance Use Prevention Coalition serving Northborough and Southborough, has developed a parent survey. The purpose of the survey is to collect information from parents that complements the student data collected in the biannual MetroWest Adolescent Health Survey (administered to students in grades 6-12). Encompass will use this data to determine priorities, raise awareness, and support local programs and policies to address substance use. A goal of the coalition is to aid parents & caregivers like yourself so that you are able to support youth in healthy and informed decisions.

Northborough/Southborough Encompass Coalition Parent/Caregiver Survey

This survey should only take about 7 minutes of your time. Every question is optional and your participation is completely voluntary. 

The survey will close on Monday, March 20.