Local Barbershop Chorus and fellow quartets bound for International Competition

Local Barbershop Chorus and fellow quartets bound for International Competition

Women of Note, an award-winning organization of women barbershop singers, will travel to Grand Rapids, Michigan in November for the 2023 Harmony, Inc. International Chorus Contest under the dynamic direction of Nanda
Landers and Maria Gabriella.

At the Area 2 Chorus Contest on April 22, the chorus placed second and earned the privilege of continuing on to the International Contest. Additionally, they won the Area 2 Achievement Award for the highest scoring chorus which has not been an International Medalist in the last 3 years.

Along with directing this amazing chorus, Maria and Nanda are also part of the barbershop quartet Intonations, which won first place at the Area Quartet Contest and will also be competing at the International Convention and Contests in Michigan. Life’s A Pitch quartet, also part of the chorus, has qualified to compete at the international level in the fall as well. Life’s A Pitch took home the award for the greatest improvement in the Performance category since the last contest. Also participating in the contest were chapter quartets, WINK! and Crescendo.

  • LOVE TO SING? Come Join Our Song at the Women of Note Guest Night on Monday, May 8, 7-9:30 p.m. at Baptist Churches of New England, 87 Lincoln St in Northborough.

Women of Note enjoys performing for audiences large and small. With performances that range from a half hour up to 90-minutes and a repertoire that ranges from sweetheart ballads to lively show tunes, Women of Note has produced top notch shows at a variety of indoor and outdoor events including weddings, parties, concerts, singing telegrams, and community and charitable events. “Barbershop is for everyone,” says member Ashley Lang, adding “It’s an
original American music style.”

Women of Note welcomes new members year-round. “It’s a very welcoming organization,” says Ms. Lang. “We are committed to musical excellence, but we are also all about the joy of singing four-part a cappella harmony together.” Members come from all walks of life and cover the spectrum of ages. The voices range from contralto/alto II to soprano I — each member sings the part most comfortable for her. Women of Note holds rehearsals each Monday at 7:00 p.m. at the Baptist Churches of New England, 87 Lincoln Street, Northborough, MA.

While guests are welcome at every rehearsal, there will be a special open rehearsal and guest night on May 8,
2023, where many special activities will be planned for the guests. For additional information about the guest night, please contact Amy Walsh at info@womenofnote.org.