Hop Brook Flood Control Remediation Informational Session

Hop Brook Flood Control Remediation Informational Session

Tuesday, July 11, 4pm-8pm at the Northborough Free Library, 34 Main St., Northborough, MA 01532.

The Northborough Free Library is hosting an informational session for the Hop Book Flood Control Remediation project. The 191-acre Hop Brook Flood Control Area is vacant land operated by the Massachusetts Department of Conservation & Recreation as a flood storage facility within the southwestern portion of Northborough. A ~9 acre portion of the site was used for auto salvage and materials dumping, which resulted in contaminated soil and groundwater. The project proposes to remove debris and contaminated soil/sediment between 0-5 feet below the surface within 6 areas of the site. Click here for more information or see the flyer below.

Public input is welcome at the informational session and/or by contacting the project team (click here or see below).