Scouting for Food pick up is Nov. 3

Scouting for Food pick up is Nov. 3

It’s time for Northborough’s annual Scouting for Food Drive.

On Saturday, November 3, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and Cub Scouts will be collecting non-perishable food item donations for the Northborough Food Pantry.

Simply fill a bag or box and place in view of the street by 9 am on Saturday, November 3. The Scouts will be by to pick up all items that morning.

Your non-perishable food items, personal care items and/or paper goods will benefit a Northborough family in need. Among the most needed items are pasta sauce, shelf stable milk, tuna, rice, granola bars, whole grain cereals, snack crackers, jelly and personal items such as lotion, shampoo, razors, deodorant, feminine hygiene items and soap. Please be sure to check the expiration dates on food items as the Food Pantry cannot distribute expired food. Grocery store gift cards are also welcomed.