Meet Craftworks Artist, John Hegarty

Meet Craftworks Artist, John Hegarty

John Hegarty has been interested in crafts for over 40 years. He first started making macramé lamps with his older daughter, Lisa, and then switched to stained and fused glass. He designs and creates unique dichroic fused glass jewelry including earrings, pendants, pins, bracelets, rings and more. These items are created using a kiln that fuses glass together at 1800 degrees.

In addition to attending local craft fairs, John was a working member of the local Craftworks cooperative for over 38 years. Today he sells his crafts there on a consignment basis.

John worked for over 40 years in the information technology field finishing up his career at TJX Companies in 2007. John and Judy, his wife Judy of over 50 years, spent 36 years living in Westborough, and have now retired to an over 55 complex in Shrewsbury where he still enjoys plying his crafts.

Next time you are looking for a unique gift, stop by Craftworks in Northborough and take a look at John’s work!