Free Youth Mental Health First Aid training

Free Youth Mental Health First Aid training

The Northboro-Southboro Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition is partnering with Shrewsbury Youth and Family Services to offer a free Youth Mental Health First Aid training for the Northborough-Southborough communities starting on March 6. This free 8-hour course will be held over three weeks – March 6, 13, 27- from 6-8:30 p.m at the Southborough Senior Center, 9 Cordaville Road. Southborough.

The course will teach adults who interact with adolescents the unique risk factors and warning signs of common mental health problems in adolescents including anxiety, depression, psychosis, eating disorders, substance use disorder, and disruptive behavior disorder and gain an understanding of the importance of early intervention. As certified Youth Mental Health First Aiders, adults will possess a strong awareness of the mental health challenges facing youth in the community and greater confidence in their ability to approach and assist young people developing signs of a mental health challenge, substance use or an emotional crisis.Parents, community members, and anyone who interacts with young people are welcome to attend. Space is limited so register online early.