Annual town clean up sign up

Annual town clean up sign up

The  Northborough Community Affairs Committee and the Northboro Junior Women’s Club once again team up for the annual Louise Houle Annual Town Clean Up Day will be held the weekend of Friday, April 23-Sunday, April 25.

Sign up for your location online and the Department of Public Works will collect trash bags on Monday, April 26. Northborough Trails are included this year. There are plenty of areas that are safe for families and groups to clean-up.

Once signed up, be sure to pick up your bag and gloves on Thursday, April 22 or Friday, April 23 from 9 am – 6 pm from 6 Mohican Ave or 213 Indian Meadow Drive, or on Saturday, April 24 at the Senior Center, 7:30 -10 am.

Read about Louise Houle and her commitment to Northborough.

Let’s make this the most successful year ever!