ARHS to hold Best Buddies Inclusion Coffee House

ARHS to hold Best Buddies Inclusion Coffee House

(Northborough MA, March 15, 2018) – ARHS Best Buddies invites the community to their first annual “Best Buddies Inclusion Coffee House” on Thursday, March 22, 2018 from 7-9PM.  This evening of music, friendship and fun will be held at the Algonquin High School Auditorium at 72 Bartlett Street in Northborough.

“ARHS Best Buddies is seeking to spread a message of respect and inclusion of all individuals, no matter their abilities. The Spread the Word to End the Word Campaign ( is about educating our school and local community on how the use of the word “retard” is hurtful and limiting for those with disabilities. The Inclusion Coffee House is a show to celebrate and showcase the abilities of members of our community,” said Kevin Hausmann, Faculty Advisor to Best Buddies at Algonquin.

The Coffee House is open to the public.  Donations at the door and for refreshments will support the programs of the ARHS Best Buddies organization.