Ask the Expert: What to do with my Family Portraits?

Ask the Expert: What to do with my Family Portraits?

“Now that my holiday card is done, what should I do with all the beautiful portraits my photographer took?”

That’s an excellent question. It’s not uncommon for my clients to feel the panic of the holidays and prioritize getting annual holiday cards designed and mailed. The reality is that holiday cards are often the impetus for a family portrait session. But now that you’ve invested the time and money, is it enough to let those images be relegated to the recycle bins of friends and family?

With the holidays well behind us, now is a great time to think about revisiting those images, and creating a beautiful family heirloom from your portrait session. Whether your favorite photos were the formal posed versions, or the fun, lifestyle captures, they will make

wonderful, happy additions to the walls of your home or office.

When choosing to turn your portraits into art, there are a few things to consider:


First, choose a spot for your images. This will help determine the size, shape and style of the portraits you choose. The portraits should complement the decor and furnishings around it.


Once you’ve chosen the spot, measure the space you have to work with. You want your portrait to be a focal point, so it should be

predominate in the area in which it hangs—but it should not overwhelm the space, making it feel crowded or cluttered.

Image Selection

Now that you’ve determined the placement and size, it’s time to decide which image(s) you want for your space. Chances are you came away from your session with a variety to choose from. As I said before, there is no right or wrong answer to choosing a portrait versus a lifestyle shot, or even a series. Choose the images that you feel best reflect your family. The ones that make you smile every time you look at them. And the ones that best fit the style of the space you have selected. You may not want the “jumping in a pile of leaves” shot in a formal living room. And, by the same token, you may not want the formal family pose in your rustic-inspired family room.

Framing & Finishing

The final step is choosing the frame and finishing techniques for your photos. Your photographer will often be a great resource for helping you choose the style that best fits your selected images—and your space.  Whether you choose a traditional frame, a rustic barn board frame or another finish like a canvas wrap, the finishing touches of your portraits should compliment and not distract from the images.

For more information on the many options available for turning your portraits into heirloom treasures, feel free to contact me at


About Susan Ogar

Sue's desire to capture and preserve moments in time began at an early age. In the 1980s she began photographing as a hobby. Her interest quickly turned into a passion, and after comprehensive education, ultimately a business. In 2007 she gave up her 12+-year career in publishing and marketing to become a full-time photographer, capturing moments for individuals and families in Central and Eastern Massachusetts. She continues to learn and expand my photography skills through education and training. For more information or to book a session with Sue, visit