Ask the Experts: What is Cupping and How Can It Enhance Your Health?

Ask the Experts: What is Cupping and How Can It Enhance Your Health?

Cupping is an ancient form on therapy in which suction cups are placed on areas of the body to assist in moving circulation, relieving inflammation and releasing toxins.  According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TMC), cupping is a powerful way to break up blood and Qi (pronounced chee) stagnation.

When the cups are placed on areas of the body, usually on the back, the marks left by the cups can vary from a very light pink,  to red or even purple.  The more chronic the tightness and pain is in that area of the body, the darker and deeper the cupping marks can be.  The cups are generally left on the body for about 5 to 20 minutes.  Besides being therapeutic, the cupping session can be diagnostic as well.  If the marks left after cupping are dark red or purple, then that is a good indication of a more long standing stagnation in that area, and a few weekly sessions of cupping would probably be helpful in relieving the cause of the tightness and pain.  If the marks are minimal or very light, then cupping may not be as indicated for your condition.

At Open Circle Acupuncture, cupping is an additional appointment which can be added to your acupuncture treatment or you can come in for a stand-alone cupping treatment.  The cupping session is done in our group treatment room with the addition of room dividing screens for added privacy.

After cupping, it is important to keep the treated area covered and drink plenty of water to aid and enhance the detoxification process.  It is normal for the area to feel a little sore for a day or two afterwards, similar to how you feel after working out.  The marks left by cupping can be expected to fade within a week, depending on how dark the color was.