Backpack drive helps over 90 students start school year

Backpack drive helps over 90 students start school year

Northborough Helping Hands Association, Inc. (NHHA) recently donated 91 backpacks to students in grades K-12 attending Northborough public schools. Each student received a new backpack as well as grade appropriate school supplies needed to start their new school year.

The drive’s success is attributed to the outstanding community support the effort receives each year from businesses, organizations, and individuals. There were nearly 100 donors this year!

Backpack Program Coordinators Nicole Green and Cheryl Cerny said their fundraising goal was surpassed.

View a list of this year’s donors and be sure to thank them for their community commitment.

Special thanks goes out to the Northborough Senior Center who welcomed NHHA to use their site for distribution.

NHHA continues to collaborate with the town’s social service programs to assist families in need. All requests must go through one of those programs, such as Northborough Family Youth Services. In addition to the backpack drive each year, NHHA provides a scholarship to a high school senior, loans out free medical equipment, and extends aid in emergencies. Last year, NHHA’s holiday outreach programs provided Thanksgiving meals, Christmas gifts for children and grocery cards for families and seniors or singles.

The 2021 Holiday Outreach program will be kicking off in early October.

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