Be a part of the Watson Park pollinator garden restoration project

Be a part of the Watson Park pollinator garden restoration project

The Northborough Garden Club invites you to “Winter Sow”, a Zoom presentation by Gary Phillips from the Northborough Watson Park Pollination Preservation Garden Committee.

The virtual meeting will be held on February 1 at 6:30 p.m. Through education and collaboration, we can restore the pollinator garden at Watson Park while simultaneously supporting our native bees, butterflies and birds. Gary will provide information on why native plants matter, which pollen and nectar producing plants feed bees from March through October; and how to plant, tend and transplant natives into your own garden.

On Saturday, February 5, at a location to be announced, Gary and Club members will provide you with containers for planting and a selection of seeds. We ask you take containers in multiples of two: one to donate to Watson and one for you to transplant into your garden in spring!

Online registration is required.