Board of Selectmen meeting highlights

Board of Selectmen meeting highlights

The Northborough Board of Selectmen met on Feb. 8 and here’s what you missed:

  • A very successful COVID-19 vaccine clinic was held on Feb. 5. It took the collaboration and hard work of many to make this happen. The hope of Health Agent Kristin Black is to receive confirmation on the shipment of the next 100 vaccines and open registration up again for Friday, Feb. 12. Be on the lookout for information from the town.
  • The town is ready and able to give 600 vaccines per week. It’s the supply from the state that is preventing that from happening.
  • There is a new vaccination site in Hopkinton available to all MA residents.
  • Keep up to date on all COVID-19 information on the town website.
  • There’s a new full-time police officer coming to Northborough: welcome Eloi Reugg. his appointment is effective on Monday, April 12.
  • An Amazon representative will speak at the next Board of Selectmen meeting scheduled for Monday, Feb. 22 at 7 pm.
  • Town Meeting will most likely be held outside again but no definite plans or date changes have been made. Look for further discussion in upcoming meetings.
  • The town of Northborough is designated as a Green Community by the Department of Energy Resources. Northborough adopted the current Stretch Code, which is an energy efficiency building code. Discussion on a multi-town comment is in progress for the new Stretch Code to be effective in 2022.  Incentives, assistance and a decision from an informed standpoint are needed. The discussion will continue at the next meeting.