Deadline extended for call for artists for town public art initiative

Deadline extended for call for artists for town public art initiative

The Northborough Cultural Council is working on a new initiative for a public art display, Go Out Doors-Northborough, and is accepting artist proposals. The new deadline to submit a proposal is Wednesday, December 15.

Email Suzanne Cox at a letter explaining concepts, a brief bio/resume, links to websites/exhibitions and/or images of previous work (if you do not have website, please provide via email), and up to 3 proposed images, as detailed as possible to get across the concept(s).


  • Standard Doors (roughly 30” x 80”) with a solid core will be provided to Artist. Note: most doors will have a paneled surface.
  • Doors can either be submitted weather proofed, as needed, to last the duration of the exhibit OR council members will varnish with outdoor grade semi-gloss varnish in preparation of exhibition.
  • A stipend of $150 will be awarded to chosen exhibitors to cover paint cost.
  • Doors will be installed in groups of 2-3 in areas where there is space for people to pause and enjoy the art.
  • Installation will be provided and consists of two or four steel braces (two on each edge of the door or four with two on each bottom edge), which will extend below the bottom of the door and in turn be anchored in the ground.
  • Signage will be displayed below or beside doors detailing Artist, Program and Program Sponsorship.
  • At the conclusion of the exhibition, doors will be auctioned to support further pubic art installations in Northborough.