Class of 2023, it’s your turn!

Class of 2023, it’s your turn!

There is a mystique that surrounds the admissions process and it is important to be informed as you navigate the pathway to college. Some things to make note of on your journey:
πŸŽ“ There is a College for everyone.
πŸŽ“ The admissions process is meant to weed out students who aren’t ready for the demands that college requires.
πŸŽ“ It’s not about being well-rounded, it’s about showcasing your talent and strengths.
πŸŽ“ Don’t be interesting, Be Interested!
πŸŽ“ The earlier students begin to strategically plan for college the easier their application process and the transition will be.
πŸŽ“ Inflating, fabricating, distracting, and rushing applications and admissions essays can destroy your chances of acceptance.

Thinking and acting strategically throughout the duration of high school, performing well academically, and having an intentional resume beats a last-minute scramble and creative spin any day of the week.
Heed sound advice as you approach Application Season and you, too, will be #CollegeBoundCareerReady
CBCR provides customized one-to-one college-prep advising and admissions essay coaching for college-bound and career-oriented individuals. We want to help you build a resume worth writing about so that you, too, can be #CollegeBoundCareerReady!

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