Community forum to collect feedback on how town could spend ARPA funds

Community forum to collect feedback on how town could spend ARPA funds

The Northborough Guide invites you to attend an open forum to discuss community needs as we turn the corner after two long years of COVID. Our goal is ultimately to provide a list of ideas to our elected officials, who have been given the task of appropriating $4 million in ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) funds over the next several years. The forum will be held on Wednesday, March 23, 7-9 p.m. at Trinity Church located at 23 Main Street. Bring your comments, your ideas, your needs and your open mind.

Register online if you plan on attending for planning purposes and event communications.

If you were given a chunk of money to spend for the betterment of our town, our residents and/or our local economy, how would you spend it? Are you part of a non-profit that knows of pressing needs in our community that aren’t being met? Are you a small business owner struggling to stay afloat in a post-covid world? Do you have opinions on where our infrastructure most needs improvement, or thoughts on how we could improve equity?

If you are unable to attend, your input can be shared with the Board of Selectmen by email:

Read more about ARPA funding and eligible uses