Community input needed for new ARHS mascot

Choosing a mascot is an exciting undertaking and one that will impact generations of Algonquin students. Your input will be critical in identifying a mascot that is reflective of our school’s values and should be a unifying symbol of our school community.  

The link to the survey that all community members are welcome to complete is

This survey will be open from Monday, July 19, 2021, until noon on Friday, July 30, 2021. This step is an important opportunity for the whole community to share their thoughts and suggestions about the next mascot. Following the administration of the survey, the Mascot Renaming Study Group will review the results and, in the coming months, develop 2-3 potential mascot options for approval by the Regional School Committee before a vote this fall of the current 9-12 graders to determine the next mascot. 

For information about the retirement of the Tomahawk, please review the recommendation of the Study Group for Mascot Review, which is available here: Mascot Recommendation.