CPC recommends funding for Fiscal Year 2022 projects

CPC recommends funding for Fiscal Year 2022 projects

The Northborough Community Preservation Committee (CPC) discussed four applications for funding at its Jan. 7 public hearing. They recommended funding for them all, but ultimately, residents have the final vote at Town Meeting in April.

The Recreation Department is looking for $290,250 for the installation of pickleball courts at Ellsworth McAfee Park. Many surrounding towns have outdoor courts. The sport can be enjoyed by all ages, although there is huge following by the senior population.

Northborough’s indoor court was the Town Hall gym, which for now is not available because the public is not allowed in the building due to COVID-19 restrictions.

What is pickleball? It is a paddleboard sports that is a combo of badminton, tennis and table tennis.

The proposal is for six courts, which would be placed near the road on the pavilion side of the park area. Once installed, there would be very little maintenance required.

The other approved applications include

  • $65,200 for the Northborough Affordable Housing Corporation
  • $400,000 for the Conservation Fund
  • $20,000 for exterior restoration and preservation of the Historical Society Building at 52 Main Street

The CPC is responsible for the expenditures authorized through the Community Preservation Act (CPA). Projects include the protection and acquisition of open space, preservation of historic resources, recreation space, and the creation of affordable housing.

View the list of past projects funded by CPC.

Information on the allowed expenditures.

The meeting and full discussions can be viewed on YouTube at Northborough Remote Meetings.