Erin Tagliaferri for Northborough School Committee

Erin Tagliaferri for Northborough School Committee

Following is the statement that was submitted by the candidate. 

My name is Erin Tagliaferri, and I am running for the Northborough School Committee. Having grown up in Northborough and attended Peaslee Elementary, Melican and graduated from Algonquin Regional High School in 1999, I have an intimate knowledge of the Northborough school system.  I am excited for the chance to be able to support the community that provided me with a well-rounded foundation.  I am committed to being involved in developing a deeper understanding of the needs and challenges at each school.  Northborough has always had a reputation of high quality schools and exceptional education.  I want to continue to raise that bar as we maintain a positive trajectory.


I attended Quinnipiac University, graduating in 2003 with a Bachelors Degree in Nursing, and began my nursing career at Yale New Haven Hospital.  In 2004, I returned home to Massachusetts to work as a charge nurse at The Pappas Rehabilitation Hospital for Children (PRHC), previously known as the Massachusetts Hospital School. This residential hospital is run by the Department of Public Health and cares for children with chronic physical disabilities.  Currently, I am a Pediatric Nursing Clinical Instructor for Labouré College at PRHC.  This provides me the opportunity to teach future clinicians while continuing to provide clinical care to the pediatric residents most in need.

I have served on the Peaslee Elementary School PTO for 4 years and had the privilege to sit as the PTO Chair during the 2018-2019 school year. I continue to provide assistance to the multiple fundraising events the PTO organizes. I frequently substitute at Peaslee School both as the school nurse and as a teacher.  This experience has allowed me to gain insight into the day-to-day operations of the school and has provided me a firsthand look at the experience of the students. This coming fall I will have two daughters attending Peaslee School – 4th grade and kindergarten. My family has many years ahead of us in the Northborough School System and I am eager to make them extraordinary.

In 2020, I was selected to participate on the Principal Search Committee for Peaslee Elementary School and helped to narrow the field of exceptional candidates. I am proud to see Peaslee has welcomed their new principal, Dr. Mary Coakley, with open arms.

My personal history has provided me with knowledge of our local school system and insight in to the inner workings of children. With this opportunity, I look forward to serving our community through this difficult time. As we look ahead to the 2020-2021 school year we know it will be met with some logistical challenges.  As we’ve worked to master the art of remote learning over the last few months, I hope to channel my positive experience and challenges and meet them with well-crafted solutions.  Likewise, as we navigate the logistical hurdles, I am certain my clinical nursing background will be helpful in developing and implementing processes that will ensure the safety of our children, the teachers and school staff.
