Start: January 25, 2022
9:00 am
End: January 25, 2022
10:00 am

Event Venue


GPS: -

If your child is on an Individualized Education Program (IEP), the transition to post-secondary plans should be part of discussions with the IEP team beginning at age 14. The Northborough Southborough Special Education Parent Advisory Council (NSPAC) will be hosting a webinar with the school district’s transition coordinator Monique Cloutier, who will discuss the process for students ages 14-22, on Tuesday, January 25, 9-10 a.m.

Registration is required to receive the webinar link. Questions are encouraged to be submitted before the meeting.

Planning areas include academic courses, non-academic courses and learning experiences, employment and related training opportunities, healthcare, adult service agencies and systems, and community engagement and leisure activities.

Transition planning should include experiences both in school and in the community, help to define a student’s vision of a meaningful adult life, support a student in becoming a self-advocate, and provide opportunities for skill development.

NSPAC is a volunteer-run, positive and solution oriented organization of parents of students ages 3-22 with special needs, medical challenges, and learning differences in the Northborough and Southborough School Districts. The group is dedicated to providing information, resources and friendships to families. It offers workshops and presentations; facilitates networking opportunities; provides a forum to share ideas and resources; provides support to all families navigating the special education process; works to increase disability awareness in the community; and collaborates with District administration and School Committee members related to the support, safety, and educational programs of students with special needs.

Email with any questions.


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