February is here! This is what is happening the next 29 days in the schools.
Don’t feel like making lunches? Here’s what the cafeterias are serving:
Algonquin Regional High School menu
Northborough Elementary School menu
Important Dates:
Feb. 3: NSPAC Presentation – Becoming Person Centered- with Cheryl at Northborough Library, 34 Main Street, 6-8 pm. In this workshop, families will learn what it means to approach all planning and advocacy for those they love with person-centered approaches. More information on the presentation. Cheryl has been instrumental in initiating the Nicky’s Law bill, which was unanimously passed in the Massachusetts House in January 2020, to create a registry of caretakers who are accused of mentally, emotionally, or financially abusing a person with a disability.
Feb. 4: 8th grade course selection night for parents at ARHS, 6:30 pm (snowdate, 2/6)
Feb. 5: Northborough School Committee, K-8, Melican Middle School Library, 7 pm.
Feb. 6: Half day, Melican Middle School for parent/teacher conferences
Feb. 11: Melican Middle School Jazz Night, 7 pm
Feb. 12: ARHS Winter Instrumental Concert, 7 pm
Feb. 17-21: Winter Break, No School
Feb. 26: Regional School Committee Meeting, ARHS Library, 7 pm
Feb. 27-29: ARHS Winter Play, Black Box, 7 pm
Feb. 27: Zeh School Walk & Bike to School day
Feb. 28: Bingo at Lincoln Street School, 6 pm