February School News

February School News

February is here! This is what is happening the next 29 days in the schools.

Don’t feel like making lunches? Here’s what the cafeterias are serving:

Algonquin Regional High School menu

Northborough Elementary School menu 

Melican Middle School Menu 

Important Dates:

Feb. 3: NSPAC Presentation – Becoming Person Centered- with Cheryl at Northborough Library, 34 Main Street, 6-8 pm. In this workshop, families will learn what it means to approach all planning and advocacy for those they love with person-centered approaches. More information on the presentation. Cheryl has been instrumental in initiating the Nicky’s Law bill, which was unanimously passed in the Massachusetts House in January 2020, to create a registry of caretakers who are accused of mentally, emotionally, or financially abusing a person with a disability.

Feb. 4:  8th grade course selection night for parents at ARHS, 6:30 pm (snowdate, 2/6)

Feb. 5: Northborough School Committee, K-8, Melican Middle School Library, 7 pm.

Feb. 6: Half day, Melican Middle School for parent/teacher conferences

Feb. 11:  Melican Middle School Jazz Night, 7 pm

Feb. 12: ARHS Winter Instrumental Concert, 7 pm

Feb. 17-21:  Winter Break, No School

Feb. 26: Regional School Committee Meeting, ARHS Library, 7 pm

Feb. 27-29: ARHS Winter Play, Black Box, 7 pm

Feb. 27:  Zeh School Walk & Bike to School day

Feb. 28: Bingo at Lincoln Street School, 6 pm