February school news

February school news

Goodbye January! Hello February! The school year is moving along quickly as the 100th day of school is fast approaching.

The Northborough Southborough Public School Districts continue to have employment opportunities. View the available positions including Network/Systems Administrator and Technical Support Specialist, as well as substitute teachers, special education teachers, and a long term school psychologist.


  • February 1: Northborough School Committee meeting, 6:30 p.m. at Melican Middle School library. VIEW AGENDA.
  • February 3: Algonquin Regional High School grades will be released
  • February 13: 8th grade parent curriculum night at Algonquin Regional High School auditorium; 6:30-7:30 p.m. (Snowdate: February 10.
  • February 15: Regional School Committee meeting, 6:30 p.m. at ARHS Library
  • February 20-24: school closed for vacation week