February school news and menus

February school news and menus

Schools are approaching their 100th day, only one snow day has been used, and reported COVID cases are declining as the month of February kicks in.

This month, the Public Schools of Northborough and Southborough, students and teachers will be recognizing Black History or African-American History month through writing activities, literature, storytelling, art projects, performance, music and dance. View some resources shared by the district.

In addition to the weekly pooled COVID screening available to students and staff on Mondays, the District is offering a weekly at-home antigen testing program to begin the week of February 7, 2022. Complete the opt-in form.

Some of our schools are jumping in on the Northborough Kindness Week activities. Peaslee School has created a “Be the ‘I’ in Kind” interactive bulletin board. At Melican Middle School, it’s staff vs students as they collect new, unused socks through Tuesday, February 8 for Net of Compassion in Worcester. Melican students will also be making Valentine cards for veterans. Proctor School will be making Valentine cards for residents of Coleman House.

An Elementary Grade Configuration Study Group has been recently formed to evaluate enrollment trends and projections and to identify opportunities to effectively maximize school facilities and resources to improve educational experiences for students. The study findings will be presented at a future Northborough School Committee meeting.

A consultant was hired to develop a Master Plan and schematic design for potentially upgrading the Algonquin Regional High School athletic facilities, which were partially upgraded in 2004. Possible upgrades include a 400 M running track, field event areas, and multi-purpose synthetic turf field with athletic lighting; new 1,265 seat grandstand and press box at Stadium Field; tennis court reconstruction; and renovations to the amenities building. The plan will be presented at the April Regional School Committee Meeting. View the ARHS Athletic Campus Project Overview. Nothing is final until residents vote during town meeting 2023 and there will be informational sessions before then to present all the facts and costs associated with it.

IMPORTANT DATES (Be sure to consult individual school calendars for updates.)

  • February 2: Northborough School Committee meeting, 6:30 p.m. Remote meeting. View agenda.
  • February 15: 8th Grade Course Selection Night for Algonquin, 6:30 p.m.
  • February 16: Regional School Committee meeting, 6:30 p.m.
  • February 21-25: Winter break. No School.