Friends of the Senior Center announces annual campaign

Friends of the Senior Center announces annual campaign

The Friends of the Northborough Senior Center has had to modify or cancel many of their fundraising efforts due to COVID. The High Tea and Art Auction and Country Store Fair were both cancelled-two of their biggest events of the year. Their Annual Fund appeal has begun and community support is needed. Even the smallest gifts can make enormous impact.

They help promote and support the goals and needs of the Northborough Senior Center, located at 119 Bearfoot Road. In the past, they have helped with:

  • Distribution of Northborough Times, the Senior Center newsletter
  • Health clinics
  • Purchase of Senior Center amenities, such as the ping-pong table and baby-grand piano
  • Monthly birthday luncheons at the Senior Center
  • Support of Center events such as the annual Veterans Day luncheon in November

View how you can support or join Friends of Northborough Senior Center.

Pay tribute to special people or honor the memory of loved ones with a 4″ x 8″ commemorative/tribute engraved brick for $100.