Garden Club hosts ‘Chocolate and Vanilla’ presentation

Garden Club hosts ‘Chocolate and Vanilla’ presentation

Please join the Northborough Garden Club for an evening of Chocolate and Vanilla presented by medical aromatherapist Nancy Engel on Tuesday, May 9, 6:30 p.m. at the Northborough Library. (Note this is a date change).


A $5 donation to cover the speaker cost.

Nancy will share photos from Costa Rica of the growing and drying processes for chocolate and more herbs. You will learn about this very labor-intensive industry and how the efforts result in exports of chocolate locally to Somerville, MA.

The evening includes tastings of different types of high-quality chocolate.

Nancy is a medical aromatherapist trained in France. She currently owns Goodness Remedies, a company that offers products for wellness and health. When studying in France she worked harvesting Lavender, Clary Sage, Rosemary and Thyme. In Turkey and Costa Rica, she worked with Vanilla, Peppercorns, Chocolate and Cinnamon.

  • Other News: Don’t forget the Club’s annual plant sale will be held at Ellsworth-McAfee Park on Saturday, June 3 from 8 a.m.-12 p.m.