Girls softball fall registration open

Girls softball fall registration open

Northboro-Southboro Girls Softball, a division of Algonquin Baseball Softball Organization, is open to girls in grades K-12 for the fall season. All skill levels welcome. The program teaches girls how to play the game, but also promotes fun. The importance of being part of a team and making new friendships is emphasized. All teams will have a practice during the week (determined by the coach) and a game on the weekend. Proposed schedule is 8u on Saturdays and all other age groups on Sundays. They do try to work with soccer to avoid conflicts.

Online registration is currently open. Teams will start to be formed in August. Please register by Friday, August 5 to secure a spot on a team. The fall season will run from approximately the week before school starts until mid-October. More information will be shared closer to the start of the season.

Team placement is based solely on players’ birthdates; please use the below as a guide for the division in which your daughter would be placed:

  • 6u Division:    01/01/2016 to 08/31/2017
  • 8u Division:    01/01/2014 to 12/31/2015
  • 10u Divison:   01/01/2012 to 12/31/2013
  • 12u Division:  01/01/2010 to 12/31/2011
  • 14u Division:  09/01/2008 to 12/31/2009
  • HS Division:   Grades 9-12, fall only

Direct any questions about the program to