Happy New Year from Karen Scopetski

Happy New Year from Karen Scopetski

As we start a new year and close out the last, I feel extremely blessed when reflecting on the past. Twenty-six years ago, I began my career as a real estate agent. I never could have imagined the amazing journey that was ahead. I have met incredible individuals along the way, many of whom I feel honored to now call friends. This adventure has seen the growth of my four children, the marriage of three children (and looking forward to the fourth this summer), and the birth of my first grandchild, with a second on the way.

Throughout the years there have been several discussions about the key to success. Though there are many different opinions, I truly believe that the real key to my success is all of you; my clients, friends and family. I want to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you. I am deeply touched by the kind words, referrals, loyalty, and constant support that I have been shown over the years and want you to know that I sincerely appreciate everything you have done. I look forward to the opportunity to assist you with any of your real estate needs in the years to come.

Best wishes for a happy & healthy 2019, filled with laughter, love, and happiness.

Warm Regards,

Karen Scopetski