Historical Society presents program ‘Third Parties in America: 1860-2016’

Historical Society presents program ‘Third Parties in America: 1860-2016’

What better way to get ready for our local election than by attending this historic event and gaining a better understanding of the impact of third parties on our government. The Northborough Historical Society, located at 52 Main Street, presents Third Parties in America: 1860-2016 on Friday, April 22 at 7:30 p.m. The program is free and open to the public.

John Northgraves, a professor of American History, will present the historical instances when third parties gained enough momentum to be on the ballot and either became an annoyance to the two “regular” parties or changed the results of an election.

Masks will be available, but mask-wearing is optional.

The Historical Society is self-funded; donations are appreciated.

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